IBPS PO 2019 – Institute of Banking Personnel Selection has released IBPS PO exam notification
for the year of 2019. IBPS PO 2019 official update has released on 02nd Aug 2019. 4336 IBPS PO vacancies are allotted for this year. So candidates start your preparation for the IBPS PO exam without any delay. The IBPS PO Recruitment 2019 selects probationary officers for various Public-Sector Banks. As per the IBPS PO official notification, the dates for the preliminary exam has been scheduled on 12th,13th,19th and 20th of October 2019. Also, the date for IBPS PO main exam is 30th November 2019. IBPS PO 2019 Exam includes three stages namely the Preliminary Exam, Main Exam, and the Interview phase. So, check the eligibility criteria, syllabus, exam pattern, vacancy, study plan, online study materials and clarify your doubts regarding IBPS PO 2019 Notification PDF here.
for the year of 2019. IBPS PO 2019 official update has released on 02nd Aug 2019. 4336 IBPS PO vacancies are allotted for this year. So candidates start your preparation for the IBPS PO exam without any delay. The IBPS PO Recruitment 2019 selects probationary officers for various Public-Sector Banks. As per the IBPS PO official notification, the dates for the preliminary exam has been scheduled on 12th,13th,19th and 20th of October 2019. Also, the date for IBPS PO main exam is 30th November 2019. IBPS PO 2019 Exam includes three stages namely the Preliminary Exam, Main Exam, and the Interview phase. So, check the eligibility criteria, syllabus, exam pattern, vacancy, study plan, online study materials and clarify your doubts regarding IBPS PO 2019 Notification PDF here.
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Click Here For IBPS PO Official Notification
IBPS PO Apply Online 2019 Link Activated
Vacancy | Exam Dates | Apply Online | Exam Pattern |
Syllabus | Cut Off | Study Plan | Previous Year Paper |
Cut Off | Study Material | IBPS PO Salary | Admit card |
Mock Test | Video Course | Exam Analysis | Result |
From 2011 IBPS is recruiting the best candidates to Public Sector Banks. This year it is the 9th edition of recruitment for the probationary officers. IBPS PO exam is the National level Competitive Exam. Candidates can register themselves through Online. But no other means of applications are accepted. The selection is done in three stages, namely the preliminary exam, main exam, and the personal interview. And finally, the selected candidate’s provisional allotments are offered by the respective banks.
IBPS PO Vacancy 2019
The previous year IBPS PO Vacancy was4252. For this year the vacancy is increased as expected. The total vacancy of IBPS PO 2019 is 4336. This slight increase in the vacancy for this year brought smiles on the face of aspirants. The number of vacancies will play a major role in the cut off declaration. Check the vacancy list in the table below.
- Number of Vacancies for this year: 4336 (84 more than the last year vacancy)
Eligibility Criteria for IBPS PO 2019
The IBPS is following certain eligibility norms to recruit the candidates. Therefore check the eligibility criteria first to initiate the application process. The eligibility is based on the Nationality, Educational Qualification, and Age limit. Also, it is mandatory to meet those eligibility norms to proceed with the IBPS PO 2019 registration process.
- The age limit lies between 20 to 30 years.
- A bachelor’s degree in any discipline from a recognized University or its equivalent. So the candidate must possess the valid mark sheet or degree certificate.
- Proficiency in the local language is a must. Both verbal and written proficiency is needed.
- Basic working knowledge in computer systems.
Category | Age Relaxation |
Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe | 5 years |
OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) | 3 years |
Persons with Disabilities (PWD) | 10 years |
Ex-Servicemen | 5 years |
Persons with Domicile of Jammu & Kashmir during the period of 1-1-1980 to 31-12-1989 | 5 years |
Persons affected by 1984 riots | 5 years |
IBPS PO Exam Dates 2019
The IBPS has released the tentative dates for the IBPS PO exam 2019. Also, IBPS published the tentative exam dates for both prelims, mains examination. Consequently, on the scheduled dates, the candidates can expect the same. Find the tabular column below which provides you the complete details about the important dates related to the IBPS PO 2019 notification.
On-line registration & Payment of fee | 07-08-2019 to 28-08-2019 |
Download of Call letters for Pre-exam training | September 2019 |
Conduct of Pre-exam training | 23-09-2019 to 28-09-2019 |
Download of call letters for online preliminary exam | October 2019 |
IBPS PO Preliminary Exam Date | 12th, 13th, 19th and 20th October 2019 |
Result of preliminary exam | October/ November 2019 |
Download of call letters for online main exam | November 2019 |
IBPS PO Mains Exam Date | 30th November 2019 |
Declaration of IBPS PO Mains Exam Result | December 2019 |
Download of IBPS PO Interview Call Letter | January 2020 |
Conduct of IBPS PO Interview | January / February 2020 |
Provisional allotment order | April 2020 |
IBPS PO 2019 Apply Online
Candidates can register through the online mode to the IBPS PO 2019 recruitment. But any other means of the application process is not accepted. The personal details furnished should be true to your knowledge. So carefully fill the application. Also, don’t miss any mandatory fields. You can start to apply online from the date mentioned in the official notification. Also to avoid any technical issues, use any of the following browsers;
- Internet Explorer 8.0 and above
- Mozilla Firefox 3.0 and above
- Google Chrome 3.0 and above
Also while applying online candidates must have the following things ready with them;
- A valid Email Id
- Scanned copy of your photograph, signature, handwritten declaration and left thumb impression in the prescribed size mentioned by the IBPS.
- All documents required for online transaction, to pay the application fee.
Click Here – Apply Online for IBPS PO
IBPS PO 2019 Application Fee:
The IBPS PO 2019 registration application fee must be paid only through online mode. Once paid, it will be not refunded in any case. The category-wise exam fee is mentioned below;
- Rs.100/- for SC/ST/PWBD candidates.
- Rs.600/- for all others.
IBPS PO 2019 Exam Centre:
At the time of filling online application, candidates can choose their exam centers for both prelims and mains. However, in the case of non-availability, you may be offered exam centers other than your preferences. Also, you cannot claim for the change of exam center. IBPS is the sole authority to add, remove or change any exam center.
IBPS PO Exam Pattern 2019
Both the prelims and main exams of IBPS PO have sectional timing. So you can not swap between the three sections of the exam. Each question carries one mark. But 1/4th of the mark is deducted for wrong answers. So avoid fluke works in the exam. Students should know the complete pattern. So they can start the practice accordingly.
IBPS PO Preliminary Exam Pattern
S.No. | Name of Tests(Objective) | No. of Questions | Maximum Marks | Duration |
1 | English Language | 30 | 30 | 20 minutes |
2 | Quantitative aptitude | 35 | 35 | 20 minutes |
3 | Reasoning Ability | 35 | 35 | 20 minutes |
Total | 100 | 100 |
IBPS PO Main Exam Pattern
S.No. | Name of Tests(Objective) | No. of Questions | Maximum Marks | Duration |
1 | Reasoning & computer aptitude | 45 | 60 | 60 minutes |
2 | English Language | 35 | 40 | 40 minutes |
3 | Data interpretation & analysis | 35 | 60 | 45 minutes |
4 | General economy & banking awareness | 40 | 40 | 35 minutes |
Total | 155 | 200 | 3 hours | |
Descriptive test( Letter writing & Essay) | 2 | 25 | 30 minutes |
IBPS PO Prelims
The IBPS PO Prelims is easier than the Main Examination as prelims is the first round. This section comprises the Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning and English Language section. This exam is just a lead-in for the Main examination. But the marks secured in this exam is not calculated for the final merit list. The cut-off marks will differ from state to state according to the vacancy available in the particular state. If the candidate cleared the cut-off then he/ she is capable of taking up the main examination
The IBPS PO main exam is one of the toughest exams which tests your real ability in solving difficult problems. Hence very smart work is needed to crack the mains exam. This exam includes Data interpretation and analysis, reasoning & computer aptitude, English Language and general awareness Sections. Finally, an online descriptive test will appear on the screen. This descriptive test includes letter and essay writing. Also, improve your typing skills for the descriptive test. Finally, the candidates who clear the IBPS PO main exam cut off are called for the final interview round.
IBPS PO Interview
Consequently, candidates who have cleared the cutoff for the IBPS PO main examination are called for the Interview which is conducted by the Participating Organisations. The interview is the final stage for the candidates to become a PO. So impress the interview panel members with your best performance. The candidate should be neatly dressed and well-groomed for the interview The interview round generally lasts for about 15 to 20 minutes.
- The total marks for the Interview section is 100.
But in the final merit list preparation, it is converted to 20 marks. Both the marks obtained in the mains exam and interview are considered for the final result. Learn some basic interview tips before you attend the IBPS PO interview. Our site also provides common interview questions that will be frequently asked. Develop your banking knowledge to the core and give your best.
- The minimum qualifying marks for the interview will not be less than 40% (35% for SC/ST/OBC/PWBD candidates)
IBPS PO 2019 Final Score Calculation:
- Marks obtained in the preliminary exam will not be considered.
- Marks obtained in both the main exam and interview are taken into account for final merit list preparation.
- The ratio of marks in the main exam and interview will be fixed as 80:20 respectively, for the final score calculation.
IBPS PO 2019 Syllabus
The IBPS PO 2019 syllabus will be almost similar to the older ones. We provide here the subjects and individual topics for the preliminary examination. In your preparation try to cover all the topics. Don’t skip any topics. The more you study and revise, the higher will be your marks. Hence you can give a tough fight in the competition. In this way, you can be easily on the safer side even if the cutoff is higher.
IBPS PO Prelims Syllabus
Reasoning | Quantitative Ability | English Language |
Logical Reasoning | Simplification | Reading Comprehension |
Alphanumeric Series | Profit & Loss | Cloze Test |
Ranking/Direction/Alphabet Test | Mixtures & Alligations | Para jumbles |
Data Sufficiency | Simple Interest & Compound Interest & Surds & Indices | Miscellaneous |
Coded Inequalities | Work & Time | Fill in the blanks |
Seating Arrangement | Time & Distance | Multiple Meaning/Error Spotting |
Puzzle | Mensuration – Cylinder, Cone, Sphere | Paragraph Completion |
Tabulation | Data Interpretation | |
Syllogism | Ratio & Proportion, Percentage | |
Blood Relations | Number Systems | |
Input-Output | Sequence & Series | |
Coding-Decoding | Permutation, Combination &Probability |
IBPS releases the cut-off for the preliminary exam along with the declaration of result. The factors that influence the cutoff declaration are competition level, the toughness level of exam in each session, the number of vacancies, etc. By analyzing these factors a cutoff is fixed at every stage of IBPS PO 2019 recruitment.
IBPS PO 2018-19 Prelims Cut-Off Score for General Category
Subjects | English Language | Quantitative Aptitude | Reasoning Ability | Total |
Maximum Score | 30 | 35 | 35 | 100 |
Cutoff Score | 8.75 | 7.75 | 9.00 | 56.75 |
IBPS PO Prelims 2018-19 Category-wise Cut-Off
Category | Cut Off Marks |
General | 56.75 |
Other Backward Classes (OBC) | 55.50 |
Scheduled Caste (SC) | 49.25 |
Scheduled Tribe (ST) | 41.75 |
IBPS PO Study Plan
Candidates can get the quality daily study plan for IBPS PO prelims/mains exam 2019 covering all topics from our site. Time left over for the exam is hardly 10 weeks, so focus only on your preparation and don’t get distracted. One needs high will power and extremely hard work to clear IBPS PO exams. So, strictly follow the study plan in a daily manner and attend mock tests frequently. Finish the preparation within the study plan. So you don’t get delayed in your preparation. Avoid last-minute rushed preparation. A well-planned preparation will surely give you the desired result
IBPS PO Study Materials
Consequently, the printed book materials, mock test packages, and online study materials are available at our site with very high standards that were prepared by our experienced faculty members. Also, our study materials will be updated regularly according to the changes in the exam pattern and the level of exam. So that in your preparation no stones are left unturned. Our experts have prepared study materials in such a way that you can crack any high-level difficult questions within a minimum possible time period so that you can save much time in the exam hall.
IBPS PO Online Coaching Class
IBPS PO is one of the dream jobs for every banking aspirant. So, for your preparation and success, we have provided free IBPS PO online coaching videos with India’s best faculty members with lots of experience. We have experts for individual subjects. We also provide online coaching classes at economical rates. So if a prescribed internet facility and computer is available, you can attend online coaching classes at your home. So don’t waste your time in searching the institutes outstation for your preparation.. you can also get discount offers if approached earlier. In online coaching classes, chat sessions are conducted to clarify your doubts.
IBPS PO Previous Year Question Paper
Previous year question papers will help you tounderstand the exam level, the weightage of questions in each topic, change in exam patterns, etc. So, practicing previous year question papers plays an important role in your preparation strategy. We have provided the IBPS PO previous question papers in the post and it serves as a trial for the real examination. Hence by practicing these papers at home, you can feel the real heat of exams. Doing this regularly you can eliminate your exam fear. We have also provided detailed solutions to all the questions for your reference. By practicing this way you can analyze your minute mistakes and correct them later. Solve memory based papers regularly to attain a good confidence level.
IBPS PO Free Mock Test
The candidates preparing for the examination can take IBPS PO Free Mock Test in our site available 24*7. Also, they can check their rank after finishing the free mock test and analyze how well they are lagging behind. Hence you can improve your preparation level and try to get a lead in the competition. The free mock test helps candidates to concentrate more on their speed and accuracy.
IBPS PO Mock Test Series
With the help of the IBPS PO, mock test series in our site candidates can gain an enormous amount of experience in solving high-level problems. Also, it makes you more familiar with the unique questions. As a result, it brings confidence to solve the same in the examination without fear and tension. The Mock test series are available at economical rates, so get your desired test package and enhance your standard in this stiff competition level. You will feel the importance of mock test series in our site, once you start to practice with it. Our mock test series will surely brighten your chances for victory.
IBPS PO Salary & Job Profile
The work profile of the PO is bringing new business to the bank, addressing the queries of customers, cash handling, payment clearance, monitoring daily branch activities, etc. The basic monthly pay for a ProbationaryOfficer is Rs. 23,700. Also, various allowances are included. The promotions for the PO is for every 3 to 5 years. They can also get their promotions by writing various exams.
IBPS PO Pre-Exam Training
IBPS may arrange PO pre-examination training for SC/ST/minority community candidates. Also, the pre-exam training gives an idea about the examination for the fresh candidates. Also, no fee is collected for pre-exam training. Hence it will be beneficial for those candidates who do not attend any coaching classes. The weaker section students will surely be beneficial as they get tips, practices, and exam tricks from the training institutes. Pre-exam training dates are available in the IBPS PO 2019 official notification. The list of training centers are given below;
North India | South India | East India | West India |
Agra | Bengaluru | Agartala | Ahmedabad |
Allahabad | Chennai | Balasore | Aurangabad |
Amritsar | Coimbatore | Behrampur (Ganjam) | Bhopal |
Bareilly | Gulbarga | Bhubaneshwar | Indore |
Chandigarh | Hyderabad | Dhanbad | Jabalpur |
Dehradun | Kavaratti | Guwahati | Jaipur |
Gorakhpur | Kochi | Hubli | Jodhpur |
Jammu | Madurai | Kolkata | Mumbai |
Kanpur | Mangalore | Muzaffarpur | Nagpur |
Karnal | Mysore | Patna | Panaji (Goa) |
Lucknow | Port Blair | Ranchi | Pune |
Ludhiana | Puducherry | Sambalpur | Raipur |
New Delhi | Thiruchirapalli | Shillong | Rajkot |
Patiala | Thiruvananthapuram | Siliguri | Vadodara |
Rohtak | Vijaywada | Tirupati | |
Shimla | Vishakhapatnam | ||
Varanasi |
IBPS may add additional centers to this list. The students applied for the pre-exam training have to download the call letter once it got released. The pre-exam training call letter will not be sent by post.
IBPS PO Admit Card
IBPS PO Prelims/ Mains examination admit card will be released in about 15 days prior to the exam. You can download the admit card from the official website of IBPS. The admit card carries all the important information such as exam date, exam session, reporting time, exam center, candidate’s name, roll number, registration number, password, photograph, and other details. It is mandatory to carry the admit card to the examination hall. Or else you will not be permitted to take your exam. The admit card also carries some instructions and rules that should be strictly followed in the exam hall. The candidates attending the exam must possess the following items to the exam hall without fail;
- Valid admit card. Your photograph should be affixed in the space provided in the call letter.
- Original photo identity proof, with the name being the same in the application form.
- Photocopy of the original ID proof that you are providing.
Also, the candidates who are coming late i.e, after the reporting time mentioned in the call letter, will not be permitted to take their exam.
IBPS PO Exam Analysis
We will provide the exam analysis in our site after the exams get over. Exam analysis done by our experts will be useful to understand theoverall difficulty level of the examination, weightage of questions, change in patterns and many other important factors. It will be useful for the candidates waiting to take up the test in the next sessions as they can prepare accordingly. You can also know about the good number of attempts and practice according to that. In our exam analysis, we will provide good attempts for individual sections and the overall good attempts.
IBPS PO Exam Result
Finally, after the completion of the interview, the IBPS will declare the final result in its website. The IBPS PO final selection is based on both mains and interview scores. We also provide the alternate link in our site to check the final result. The role of IBPS is only until the selection of candidates for the provisional allotment. Then the respective banks will intimate the candidates about the joining dates and further proceedings.
Frequently Asked Questions – Find Here
Q: How many vacancies have been released?
A: Overall vacancies for IBPS PO 2019 is –4336 ( This is 84 more than the last year vacancy of 4252).
Q: Is there any Group Discussion round before the interview?
A: No. Only interview will be there for PO selection.
Q: Is there any negative marking?
A: Yes. 1/4th of the mark is deducted for each wrong answer.
Click Here for More Relevant IBPS PO FAQ’s
About IBPS PO Recruitment 2019
IBPS is governed by a board that includes nominees from government organizations such as the RBI, Finance ministry, IIT Mumbai, Indian Institute of Banking and Finance, National Institute of Bank Management, Indian Banks’ Association and the public sector banks. IBPS recruits candidates for all the public sector banks. But the only exception is SBI. The “Personnel Selection Test Conducting Agency” decides any modifications in the exam pattern, difficulty level, and state-wise cut-off marks.
Every year a large number of candidates appear for the IBPS examination from all over the country. The provisional allotments are made based on the final merit list prepared after the interview. Also, the candidates are placed anywhere in India regardless of the state in which they belong. The basic monthly pay for Probationary Officer is Rs. 23,700. Also, the promotions for the PO is for every 3 – 5 years. They can also get their promotions by writing various exams. They also get various allowances prescribed. Also, the working profile of the PO is to bring in the new business, servicing customers, monitor the daily branch activities, processing the loan details, handling cash, payment clearance, and official communication.
IBPS PO Recruitment 2019-20 Highlights
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