CTET Exam 2019 Result Declared
Disclaimer: Neither NIC nor CBSE is responsible for any inadvertent error that may have crept in the results being published on NET. The marksheets shall not be dispatched by the Board and the same can be downloaded from the website only.
CTET Answer Key 2019 - CBSE releases CTET answer keys for Paper I and II on the official website a few days after the conduct of the exam. The answer key of CTET July 2019 has been released on the official website.
Candidates are informed that scanned images of CTET OMR answer sheets and answer keys are also uploaded on the website of the Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET). In case of finding any discrepancy, candidate can challenge the CTET July answer key 2019 till July 26, 2019, by paying a fee of Rs.1000 per question.
CTET 2019 answer key is released on the official website of the exam by CBSE. By going through the answer key for CTET exam aspirants can determine the number of questions they have attempted correctly in CTET exam as well as the ones they have not attempted correctly. Basis this candidates can determine their score in the exam.
CTET Answer Key Dates 2019
Candidates can go through important dates related to answer key released by CBSE for CTET exam.
CTET 2019 answer key is released on the official website of the exam by CBSE. By going through the answer key for CTET exam aspirants can determine the number of questions they have attempted correctly in CTET exam as well as the ones they have not attempted correctly. Basis this candidates can determine their score in the exam.
CTET Answer Key Dates 2019
Candidates can go through important dates related to answer key released by CBSE for CTET exam.
To Check Your Result : Click Here
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