All the Candidates Who Will Have Passed the Physical Test In the Direct Recruitment of Sub-Inspector of Police and Lokrakshak Cadres Will Be Able To Appear In The Written Test.
To revoke the provision for the candidates who have passed the first physical test for the Lok Rakshak cadre, which is less than all the candidates who have passed, for the merit of the candidates, or for the candidates who have passed the written test for the next stage.
A large number of candidates from the state have made representations to the government under which all the candidates who have passed the physical test can take part in the written test by giving positive consideration to the candidates by the state government. Necessary declarations of amendments have been made by the State Government.
As a result of the aforesaid reforms, the enthusiasm of the candidates for the direct recruitment of the next Sub-Inspector and Lokrakshak cadres will be maintained and this will enable the candidates to take part in the enthusiastic examinations.
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