The result of standard 12 general stream will be declared tomorrow 31st July. The result will be posted on the board's website at 8 am. These result schools will be able to log-in and print their school's result index number and password. Schools will have to inform the students by giving Xerox of their result.
Mass promotion to 5.43 lakh students
State Government Std. After regular students of 10 decided not to take the exam, Std. It was decided to give mass promotion to a total of 6.83 lakh students of 1.40 lakh and 5.43 lakh general streams of 12 sciences. For the first time in Std. All the students of general stream in 12 boards will be declared 100 percent result with mass promotion.
The court rejected the application to take the standard 10 mathematics marks into account
According to an education department official, 550 schools in Ahmedabad have prepared Std 12 results and posted them on the board's website. It may be noted that only yesterday, the High Court had rejected the application to take into account the mark of Std-10 Mathematics in Std-12 Statistics. After that the result has been announced by the education department.
What was the demand of the students?
The subject of account and statistics in commerce is the subject of mathematics and the mathematics of standard 10 is its foundation so it should be taken into account. The decision taken by the government is detrimental to the future of the students. If the marks of 10th standard mathematics are not taken into account, the result will be as low as 8 to 10 percent for the students. The circular issued by the board was challenged in the High Court. Std. The government had repealed the rule of adding 10 marks in mathematics to Std. 12 in general stream statistics.
This is how the standard 12 marksheet will be made
Dr. Jayesh Modi, an educationist and GST expert, told DivyaBhaskar about how a standard 12 marksheet will be prepared. If 38 marks out of 50 marks came in the first test and 42 marks out of 50 in the second test, then 80 marks out of 100 marks are obtained. If it is 40 marks more than the average and if we do 50 percent then 20 marks out of 25 will be written in the 12th marksheet and if a student has got 80 marks out of 100 marks in the first periodical test of any subject of Std. Acquired, which is 20 marks instead of 20 per cent, which is considered to be obtained from 25 marks. Thus, overall, 35 marks out of 50, 20 marks out of 25 and 20 marks out of 25 marks. Thus, 75 marks out of 100 are made
Student can get the result from school only
GSEB HSC 12th Result 2021
- Go to the official website at
- Find out Gujarat Board GSEB Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) Examination Result 2021
- Click on the GSEB HSC 12th Result 2021 link to proceed to Result Portal.
- Enter your HSC/12th Class Exam Roll Code and Roll Number (six digit).
- Click on Submit button to find your Result online.
- Your GSEB HSC Result 2021 will be shown on your computer screen.
- Save your Result and take printout of it for record and further use.
- Check Your Result from given below Link
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