Western Railway has published an Advertisement for below mentioned Posts. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, application fee and how to apply are given below in the advertisement.
Posts: Junior Clerk cum Typist
Total No. of Posts: 42
Educational Qualification:
All regular Group “D” employees of Personnel and Administration Deptt. Only (screened) in the category of Hamal/Safaiwala under Janitor/BCT, Peon, Bungalow Peon, J/Peon, Daftary, Record Sorter. Ferro Printer, Gestenor Operator and Canteen Staff of DRM Office/BCT and Group “D” Rly. School staff in 1800 (GP)/Level-1 including regular N.M. Clerk in 1800 (GP)/Level-1.
Please read Official Notification for Educational Qualification details.
Selection Process:
Written Examination.
The written test will consist of one paper divided into into two parts- Part-A and Part- B, Part “A” will consist of question on working knowledge of employee of the English language and Part “B” will consist of question on General standard of intelligence, Arithmetic. General Knowledge mainly pertaining to Railway matter.
The question paper will be of objective type with multiple answers in bilingual language English and Hindi.
The total number of question will be asked- 100+10=110 questions approximately.
Duration of the examination will be for 120 minutes.
The written examination is to be conducted in one stage.
Eligibility condition for the Selection against 33 1/3 rd % Rankers Quota.
All regular Group "D" employees of Personnel and Administration Deptt. Only (screened) in category of Hamal/Safaiwala under Janitor/BCT, Peon, Bungalow Peon, J/Peon, Daftary, Record Sorter. Ferro Printer, Gestenor Operator and Canteen Staff of DRM Office/BCT and Group "D" Rly. School staff in 1800 (GP)/Level-1 including regular N.M. Clerk in 1800 (GP)/Level-1.
In terms of GM(E) CCG's letter dtd. 28.01.97, the Group "D" employees who are having their own avenue to Group "C" i.e. Engg. Mech, Signal, Electrical/ELP, Traffic, Comml, Medical and Accounts Deptt., the categories will not be eligible to be considered for the said selection
In terms of Railway Boards letter No. E/(NG)I-2015/CFP/8 dt. 21.04.2017 (RBE No. 38/2017) circulated under GM(E)CCG's letter No. EP/925/0 Vol. III dt. 04.05.2017 (P.S. No. 39/2017), for Ranker quota against 33 1/3% all above Group D staff will be eligible for promotion against 33 1/3% quota on completion of 2 years continuous service in the relevant grade on sucessful completion of probation period. All above Group D staff who have completed minimum 02 years of regular service after their initial appointment on the date of issue of notification will be eligible to apply , irrespective of whether they belong to GEN/OBC/SC/ST.
In case of casual labours/Substitutes, who are screened and regularized and completed 02 years service after granting temporary status followed by regular absorption on the date of issue of notification will be eligible. The applicant must have knowledge in English and Hindi.
The panel is liable to variant depending upon the outcome of pending Contempt Petition © No. 314/2016 in SLP No. 4831/2012 Samta Andolan Samiti through president VS Sanjay Kothari & Ors. As per instruction of RBE No. 117/2016 dtd. 30.09.2016. The status and seniority thereafter of the candidates in panel is liable to be altered depending upon outcome of pending contempt Petition 0314/2016 in SLP No. 4831/2012 Samta Andolan Samiti through President VS Sanjay Kothari & Ors. As per instructions of RBE No. 117/2016 dtd. 30.09.2016
In terms of HQ-CCG P.S. No.073/2016 dtd. 14.07.2016."The above selection has been initiated ordered only after ascertaining quantifiable data of representation of SC & ST employees in the grade as per the post based rosters, against roster point No. SC-04,12 ,17, 24 & ST-08, 20, 34, 47 accordingly, in compliance with directions of the Hon'ble Supreme Court in Nagraj case.
In terms of RBE No. 117/2016 dtd. 30.09.2016, the selection panel/promotion shall be provisional and subject to outcome of the main SLPs and pending Contempt Petition © No. 314/2016 in SLP No. 4831/2012- Samta Andolan Samiti through President Vs Sanjay Kothari & Ors. As per instruction of RBE No. 117/2016 dtd. 30.09.2017. It may be noted that after finalization of the selection, the empanelled candidates will be promoted on provisional basis.
They have to qualify typing speed test at 30 W.P.M. in English or 25 W.P.M. in Hindi within a period of 2 years from the date of their promotion and if they fail to qualify typewriting test within a said period, they will be liable to be reverted
Important Dates:
Last Date to Apply Online: 10-06-2020
The eligibility list will be issued on 21-06-2020
The tentative date for Written Examination: 15-07-2020
How To Apply
Interested Candidates may Apply Online Through official Website.
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