Exam: Gujarat Achievement Survey (GAS-2)
Exam Date : 22/11/2019
In This Article: Gujarat Achievement Survey (GAS-2) Exam 2019 - Selected School List for Mehsana District. DIET Mehsana GAS-2 Exam Related Letter for Information about GAS-2 Exam.
Under the guidance of GCERT, Gandhinagar, standard 4,6, and 7 (GA W - 2) GAS - 2 - 2019 are planned all over the state. The GAS-2019 test has been organized in the designated primary schools of Mehsana district by the District Education and Training Bhavan, Mehsana. Whose list is included with this. To plan this test, take the following points into account.
1) As the test of all the students of the standard 4, 6 and 7 of the school prescribed in your taluka is planned on Friday, 22-11-2019, we will inform the Principal of your level that all the children of the school will be present on that day.
2) On 22-11-2019, you will inform the Principal of the school who is present as a Field Investigator at the district level, to inform the Field Investigator of the list as per your list to be present for training and literature distribution.
3) To construct a control room at the taluka level to coordinate the test conducted on 22-11-2019 at the taluk level under GAS-2 - 2019. For that, the BRCO Coordinator, Taluka Pvt. Teacher and Talukas Liaison Shri mutually coordinate and plan ahead.
4) On the date 22-11-2019, the schools will start at the scheduled time and all students of the prescribed schools will complete the lunch by 12:00 hours and instruct the children to arrange seating and test proceedings will start at 12:30 hrs. General Chat Chat Lounge Inform the schools that the test for students will start at the same time throughout the state and district at 12:30 am on 22-11-2019. School hours will be 10:30 to 17:00.
5) According to the training and guidance given to the Field Investigator on 22-11-2019, we will complete the test and make appropriate arrangements for submission of all literature at the taluka level in the control room. The material submitted at the taluka level will have to be submitted by BRCCO - Coordinator Laijan Shri to Mrs. SC Raabari of CMDE branch.
6) Field notes should be prepared per school and standard. Thus, there will be 45 field notes per taluka. All - from Field Investigator must be obtained to ensure that the field is properly filled.
7) District level control room information will be as follows. Co-ordinator of Taluka To be submitted to the Literature Head Office on 9/3/9.
Gujarat Achievement Survey (GAS-2)
GAS - 2 Exam 2019 : IMP notes regarding the test taken under 2019
GAS - 2: 2019 is being planned in selected primary schools of the district during the date 22-11-2019. It is said to carefully perform the following operations.
- Finishing lunch by 12:00 pm.
- Do not use mobiles during tests.
- To be used for research purposes, be careful not to interfere with the test process by any school staff during the test.
- Children must use a blue / black ballpen to respond to the test. In it - do not use prepaid inkpen.
- Begin the test at 12:30 am on time.
- Use classrooms that are close to the air and water system.
- To give the FI the registered number of children of the standard in which the test is to be taken
- Provide the necessary information and sufficient support to the FI.
- See to it that all children of the standard are present in the standard test.
- School hours will be 10:00 to 17:00.