Teacher Recruitment In Ashramshala Dahod
PAJET have set up high-quality facilities and renowned residential schools for tribal and backward rural areas PAJET has made efforts to educate Adivasi (Tribal) Children by setting up Ashram Shala (Residential Schools for Scheduled Tribe Children).
Teacher Recruitment In Ashramshala Dahod
PAJET has established Residential School for Tribal and backward Children at Adadara Village with minimum students facing very much difficulties and challenges.
The said Residential School has enrolled more than 300 children in 1st to 10th standard Classes with separate hostel facility for Girls and also providing quality education with Healthcare facilities.
Teacher Recruitment In Ashramshala Dahod
Separate hostel and activities campus for Boys and Girls is providing freer environment for Girls being taking care with applying Children and especially for girl’s protection policy of PAJET.
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Along with education various other activities like Cultural activities, competitions, celebration, sports and moral education are being organizing by PAJET, we are promoting students (Girls and Boys) for District level and State level sports and exhibition activities.
Teacher Recruitment In Ashramshala Dahod
Corporate sectors like ONGC provide us its valuable donation under CSR scheme to construct the Latest Dining Hall cum Kitchen and class rooms or the school.
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