Vidhyasahayak Bharati 6 thi 8 Waiting Round
Latest News About Recruitment Exams
Vidhyasahayak Bharti 2018-19 Merit List OUT: Download 6 to 8 Merit List at
Vidhyasahayak Bharti Merit List 2018-19 – Education Department of Gujarat under the authority of Government of Gujarat conducted the examination for the recruitment process for Primary Teachers for Standard 6th to 8th.
The candidates appeared for the examination earlier this year. The Vidyasahayak Bharti Merit List 2018 for the candidates is going to be published on 19th November 2018.
Vidhyasahayak Bharti Waiting List
Vidyasahayak Bharti 2018 – 19 Merit List will mention the names and roll numbers of the candidate who have successfully cleared the examination and can appear for the next level of scrutiny.
Read the article for complete details about Vidyasahayak Bharti Std. 6-8 Merit List.
Vidhyasahayak Bharti 2018-19 Merit List
Vidhyasahayak Merit List Notice
Event Schedule of the Vidyshayak Bharti 2018-19
The candidates have already appeared for the examination. and they are waiting for the Merit List to be announced. The candidates are advised to check the Merit List for 6-8 Standard, Primary teachers. Mark the article, to follow regularly for the incoming recent updates.
Vidhyasahayak Bharti 2018 Merit List Announcement 31may 2019
GSEB Vidhyasahayak Bharti Merit List 2018 for 6th to 8th Standard at
Gujarat State Primary Education Board goes to unleash the GSEB Vidhyasahayak Bharti advantage List on its official web site on nineteenth Nov 2018.
The candidates had applied for the Recruitment earlier from 19th October 2018 to 29th October 2018. There ar around 3262 vacancies for the first teacher post.
The board has clearly mentioned that the vacancy is subjected to extend or decrease supported the provision of candidates and also the demand.
Vidhyasahayak Bharti Merit List 2018-19 – Education Department of Gujarat under the authority of Government of Gujarat conducted the examination for the recruitment process for Primary Teachers for Standard 6th to 8th.
The candidates appeared for the examination earlier this year. The Vidyasahayak Bharti Merit List 2018 for the candidates is going to be published on 19th November 2018.
Vidyasahayak Bharti 2018 – 19 Merit List will mention the names and roll numbers of the candidate who have successfully cleared the examination and can appear for the next level of scrutiny. Read the article for complete details about Vidyasahayak Bharti Std. 6-8 Merit List
Vidyasahayak Bharti (6 to 8) 2018/19 Waiting List.
Name Of Organization : Gujarat Rajya Prathmik Shikshan Samiti
Name Of Posts :VIDYASAHAYAK (6 to 8)
Total Posts : 3262 Posts
Vidyasahayak Bharti (6 to 8) 2017 Waiting List / Merit List Call Letter
Gujarati Medium (3262Posts)
Vidyasahayak Bharti (6 to 8) 2017 Waiting List / Merit List Call Letter Start
Call Letter Download Start Date : 31/05/19&04-06-2019
District Choice Date : 03,06 May 2019
Gujarati Medium Advertisement i.e Jaherat Published in News Paper & on official website
There are total 3262 Vacancies according to notification. Online Application of Vidyasahayak Bharti Std. 6 to 8 will be started from 19-10-2018.
Vidhyasahayk Bharti 2018 Primary Teacher Std. 6 to 8. at
Primary teachers in Government School is very Important for Every Schools of Gujarat. GSEB Gujarat decided to Recruit this Teachers.
So all Eligible candidate can Fill up Form Online for this Vacant Teachers. All Information Like Advertisement Number, How to Apply, Age Limit, Eligibility Criteria are Mentioned Below.
Gujarat Vidhyasahayak Bharti Jaherat 2018 Vacancies Details
The GSEB has notified, there are 3262 vacancies available for the job seekers who have required education qualification can apply for listed vacancies.
Among 3262 vacancies, aspirants can fill the online application form according to their caste. Categorized vacancies are listed as-Vacancies
- General – 1163
- ST – 868
- SC – 182
- OBC – 1049
For more information regarding bharti process, you can check and get the accurate notification about the job.
Educational qualification
For the post of Vidyasahayak Bharti or primary teacher of 6 to 8th standard, the job seeker must have PTC or Higher secondary school certificate with minimum required percentage.
For more information regarding bharti process, you can visit the official website and read the requirement advertisement. Instated of Primary teacher vacancies, you need more education qualification for other teachers.
Age criteria
The person who is willing to apply for a primary teacher for GSEB or Vidyasahayak Bharti must have qualified the age criteria.
Along with education qualification, age criteria are an important factor, and the job aspirant must be less than 35 years.
If you want to know more about the age criteria you can visit the official website, i.e. and read official requirement notification.
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Std 6 to 8 bharti
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