'Jillafer Shreyan Yadi' of different Districts For Teachers Of Gujarat
References regarding transfers of upper primary / primary teachers education assistants on duty in primary schools and upper primary schools managed by district / town education committees of the state- By revoking the resolutions mentioned in 1 to 8, rules regarding transfer of upper primary / primary teachers / education assistants Gujarat Primary Education Act- Pursuant to section 4 of section 13, it is issued as follows.
Chapter- (a): General provisions regarding transfer of upper primary / primary teachers / teachers
(1) The light of change-
(1) Changes by internal demand
(2) Change by mutual demand
(3) District transfers
(4) Severe - changes in case of illness
(5) Administrative, causal changes
(2) Types of teachers and teacher posts: -
(i) Primary Teacher (Std. 1 to 8)
(i) Upper Primary Teacher (Std. 6 to 8) - Science, Mathematics
(ii) Upper Primary Teacher (Std. 6 to 8) - Social Science
(iv) Upper Primary Teacher (Std. 6 to 8) - Languages
(3) (i) Total number of teachers in each school on the basis of number of students in primary section (Std. 1 to 8) and upper primary section (Std. 6 to 8) as per RTE-2008 schecule and place of teachers in different departments. Will have to be decided.
(i) The school wise establishment as per the proportion of the student teacher shall be fixed on 30th September every year and the corresponding school wise approved teacher shall be informed on the same date. All schools have to do it by October 31.
(3) Every teacher / teaching assistant / teacher / teacher of primary department who has entered the job before 10 June 2010 will be considered. But out of these teachers / teaching assistants who have / have obtained the qualification of any of the three departments of the upper primary teacher and they have given the option to become a teacher of the concerned department as per the resolution no-PRE / 11/2016 / P306 / K of the education department dated 17/1/2018. Own or another school in that department
What the group has accepted will be counted as res of the relevant upper primary department.
(ii) Vidya Sahayaks appointed after 10 Jan-2010 who have been appointed as per the department which will be considered as teachers of that department.
(2) The following rules apply to all types of transfers. Except in the case of relevant types of transfers, there is no exemption from any of the rules of this chapter. (i) in addition to the rules of this chapter for such transfers
The rules of the relevant type of change chapter will also apply. 2) (Internal / Mutual Demand Transfers of Primary / Primary Teacher Education Assistants should be changed once in a year during summer vacation by public cam. While incremental transfers should also be done during Diwali vacation.)
(2) Transfer of Primary Department Teacher to Primary Department and Transfer of Upper Primary Department Teacher to Upper Primary Department of their subject (Mathematics-Science, Language and Social Science)
This can only be done if space is available,
(2) At the time of public transfer camp, the list of primary schools / vacancies as per the above mentioned section and subject wise schools / vacancies for upper primary department should be displayed on the board, any primary teacher having the required qualification of upper primary teacher but their appointment in upper primary department They cannot be replaced in the upper primary section unless they are included or included in the upper primary section.
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