Matter of starting Std. 6 to 8 classes in all the board primary schools in the state

Matter of starting Std. 6 to 8 classes in all the board primary schools in the state

Under the Disaster Management Act, 2006, a guideline has been issued by Bharat Sabha to resume the activities which were halted following the lockdown measures to control COVD-19 in the country. Accordingly, it has been suggested that educational institutions should be re-opened gradually after 1st October, 2020 in the activities sanctioned outside the containment zone, for which the Union Territory Government should be consulted with the concerned school / institution administrators. Located. After that, direct teaching work was resumed in Std-10 and Std-12 classes with effect from 04/01/2071 under number (2) taken from the reading. After that, Std. 9 Std. 9 and 11 classes have also been started. In view of Corona's survival, the matter of resumption of direct education in phases in the primary education sector in the state was under consideration. Resolution:

the adult consideration, it is decided to resume the direct education work for the classes of Std. 6 to 8 in the primary schools of all the boards in the state from 19/06/2021.

The academic-non-academic staff and students of all the board-run / private and aided primary schools in the state will have to strictly follow the following instructions.

Important Link:-

Official Letter : Click Here

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