According to the above subject, due to the Corona epidemic, it is not possible to call students to primary schools at present, so that at present, children can study even at home.
Doordarshan Kendra DD Girnar, Virtual Class, Soft Module - Literature, WhatsApp, E-Class, Educational work is being done through various mediums like Microsoft Teams.
Students are asked to organize a "TWINING OF SCHOOLS" program in view of their experience and successful outcomes. The program is not about inviting students at the school level, but about the way students are connected through mobile and technology through online love at home.
Thus, using the virtual technology, the children of one school will have to be paired with the children of another school through a virtual online programme.
It is requested to inform the schools to make the program a success by making necessary arrangements as per the guidelines given for the implementation of this programme. The TWINING OF SCHOOLs programme should be organized for the children of upper primary (standard 6 to 8)
Selecting a school according to which schools were selected last year for the TWINING OF SCHOTS program with another school.
If there is no school in the taluka, then the schools will have to be paired with the schools of the adjoining taluka or other talukas of that district. BRC friends do the necessary planning in this regard. Friends will have to give information and necessary guidance to the school principal and teacher friends about this programme.
To organize TWINING OF SCHOOL according to the way the study work is being done under home learning due to the current Corona epidemic. No students are to be called to school or assembled at any place. The instructions of the Government regarding covid 12 will have to be strictly implemented.
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