Ekam Kasoti Marks (Unit Test Marks) Online Entry App Saral Data app Download here
Guide to Entry of Unit Test Marks
An innovative medium has been implemented for the entry of unit test marks taken from this year. For the entry of unit test marks, one has to scan the table given in the unit test booklet through mobile application and enter the marks. Detailed guidance is given here regarding the application for this and its use.
Guide to Entry of Unit Test Marks
Step 1 & 2
Marks must be entered according to the steps outlined in this guide.
After checking the test in the first unit test booklet, the details of the student should be filled in the table given in the booklet.
Step 3 ,4 & 5
Write the last seven (7) digits of the student's 18 digit unique ID in the box provided at the top of the table.
Step 6 & 7
Step 8 & 9
Special Note:
HB (dark) pencil or black / blue (black / blue) peno should be used for kneeling in a circle.
Do not leave any circle blank.
Do not kneel more than one circle in a question which you will take special note of.
Step 10 & 11
1. The student's unique eye. D. The last seven digits of the student's unique IID number are to be displayed in the column.
2. Write the numbers in English i.e. 0123456789 according to this number so that it can be scanned. Gujarati digits will not be scanned
Step 12 & 13
3. In each question, mark the marks obtained by the student with the marks / pencil or pencil.
4. Full Detail Note Scan this table from the application mentioned later so that the student's unit test marks will be recorded.
This process has to be done to enter all the test marks.
Step 14 & 15
Study the above instructions given in the booklet and follow them compulsorily.
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