Government Of Gujarat Will Not Haste in Merging Government Primary School : Said Education Minister Bhupendra Singh
Education Minister of Gujarat Mr. Bhupendra Singh Chudasama declared that the government of gujarat will not haste in merging of Government Primary Schools.
As a step towards ‘merger’, all chief educational officers have been instructed to send the list of such elementary and high schools located within or near higher secondary schools. “The department is collecting the data now so that action can be initiated next academic year. After merging, the school buildings will be converted into libraries or adult learning centres,” said an officer, requesting anonymity.
Note 1
Aproved teaching staff establishment includes teaching staff entitlement derived from the numberof approved classes and the additional teachers provided under specific improvement programmes asstated in the Class Organisation and Staff Establishment approval letter for the relevant school year.Supply teachers appointed for temporary replacement (i.e. substituting for teacher on leave) are not
Note 2
Regarding the salary arrangement of surplus teachers and over-ranked teachers, schools have tofollow the existing practice. Surplus teachers at basic ranks are allowed to proceed along their payscales, while surplus teachers at promotion ranks are subject to the prevailing salary arrangements of
over-ranked teachers. If there are vacancies on the establishment, surplus teachers are to beabsorbed first. Schools are not allowed to offer any new appointment before rectifying the surplus
situation. The toleration arrangement is not applicable to Government schools.
The calculation of the fractional staff entitlement is in the form of a Graduate Master/Mistress (GM).Schools can retain the fractional GM post or opt to encash the fractional post. During the 6-year
toleration period, the fractional post will be offset by surplus teaching post(s).
The SSCSG is a cash provision equivalent to the mid-point salary of O.1 Graduate Master/ Mistressper senior secondary class. After offsetting the fractional staff entitlement, if there are still surplus
teachers, the grant will be offset by the surplus teachers.
After offsetting the fractional staff entitlement and SSCSG, if there is/are still surplus teacher(s)being covered by the 6-year toleration arrangement, the corresponding number of supply teachers
required for temporary replacement (substituting for teachers on leave for three or more consecutive
days) will be offset. Similar principle will apply to Teacher Relief Grant for IMC schools andequivalent grant for non-IMC schools in that the relevant provision for employing supply teacherswill be offset accordingly. Subsidies may be provided to employ supply teachers if the number of
teachers on leave for three or more consecutive days at the same time exceeds the number of surplus
If there is any such school which comes into 1 km area then it will be merged , but kerping in mind the advantage of pupils.
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