Indian Airforce Recruitment 2019 : Join As Airmen In Group Y Non Techinacal Trade
Indian Air Force offers opportunities for MARRIED MALE INDIAN/NEPALESE CITIZENS to join as Outstanding Sportsmen.Airforce Recruitmrnt 2019
The Selection Trials for Recruitment of Outstanding Sportsmen in Group "Y" (Non-Technical Trades) will be held at New Willingdon Camp, Air Force Station New Delhi, Lok Kalyan Marg New Delhi-110003, from 18 November 2019 to 23 November 2019 at 0700 hrs (07:00 AM) and Sports Specific trials in Delhi and NCR in following Sports Disciplines.Airforce Recruitmrnt 2019
(a) Athletics
(b) Basketball
(c) Boxing
(d) Cricket
(e) Cycle Polo
(f) Cycling
(g) Football
(h) Golf
(i ) Gymnastics
(k) Hockey
(l) Kabaddi
(m) Lawn Tennis
(n) Shooting
(o)Water PoloVolleyball Squash
(p) Swimming (Swimming& Diving)
(q)Weight Lifting (t) Wresting
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Airforce Recruitmrnt 2019
NoAssembly at No. 2 Aimen Selection Centre, outside Exit Gate,(18 Nov 19) Air Force Station New Delhi as per the time mentioned in Admit Cards despatched through Normal Post, issued to thosecandidates found eligible during document verification on the basis of Age, Educational Qualification and Sports Achievements at Air Force Sports Control Board/Central Airmen Selection Board for PFT and PFT-I to be conducted at New Willingdon Camp, Aiરr Force Station Now Delhi, Lok Kalyan
Airforce Recruitmrnt 2019
01 Marg, New Delhi-110003Sports Specific Trials in the above mentioned events for those (19 Nov 19) candidates who have cleared Document Verification, PFT-I and 2nd day
02 PFTIL Sports Specfic Trials for the candidates who are shortlisted dur-3rd day 03 (20 Nov 19) ing previous day trial. 4th day (22 Nov 19 ) 5th day
04 Medical Examination of the Recommended candidates.05 (23 (23 Nov 19)
Airforce Recruitmrnt 2019
Note: The Recruitment Test is not for selection as Commissioned Officers Pilots/Navigators.EDUCATION QUALIFICATION
Airforce Recruitmrnt 2019
Passed Intermediate 10+2 Class Xll Equivalent Examination in any stream subjects approved by Central/State of education. Education Boards listed in Council of Boards for School (COBSE) website as members, as on last date of submission of application, shall only be permitted.SPORTS ACHIEVEMENTS
Airforce Recruitmrnt 2019
(!) Individual should have represented the country in
Junior /Senior International meets in any of the above mentioned sports discipline. The current achievement would be given preference during selection trials.
(!i) Individual should have attained the minimum
standard of fifth place in the Junior National Championship, represented the State/Units in Senior National Championships or Inter University Championship in above mentioned sports discipline. The current achievement would be given preference during selection trials.
(ii!) In team events, the individual should have represented state in Junior National Championship and National School Tournament conducted by School Games Federation of India (SGFI) in above mentioned sports discipline.
The current achievement would be given preference during selection trials.
Airforce Recruitmrnt 2019
Note: Candidates represented International/National (International Participation National Medal) level and achieved position but not possessing Intermediate 10+2/ Class Xll educational qualification may also apply.
Airforce Recruitmrnt 2019
However, candidature of such candidates will be subject to verification of sports credentials & performance during selection trials. Relaxation of educational qualification (Not Below Matric) will be
considered on case to case basis for eligible candidates
Airforce Recruitmrnt 2019
3. Date of Birth : Candidates should be born between 19 Jan 1999 to 01 Jan 2003 (both days inclusive).
Upper age limit of date of enrolment is 21 years.
Airforce Recruitmrnt 2019
Note: Age relaxation (not below 16 years and not exceeding 25 years of age) would be considered in exceptional cases on case to case basis, based on the level of achievement in International/National sports events (international Participation
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