Online Attendance Compulsory For All Private & Granted School From October 2019 News Report
Class wise attendance
Online Attendance
If you want to record attendance of the students for each period, then class wise attendance will be suitable for you. Class wise attendance module displays all the periods assigned in day to a selected teacher/professor, as per your school time table definition. Teachers can choose a particular period and mark students present or absent.
Online Attendance
This module allows educational institutions to take day wise attendance. In this case, it can be assumed that student is either present/absent for all lectures/activities of the class room. So, the attendance can be taken at start or end of the day. This also allows you to send student's daily attendance via SMS/Email.
Online Attendance
Subject wise attendance allows the teachers to mark the attendance for their subjects which can be checked by parents as well. This is an easier way to check the attendance of any subject for any student.
Online Attendance
This feature allows you to:
Manage attendance of the students.
Add attendance via subject wise daily attendance or student daily attendance.
Mark the student present or absent
Manage student daily attendance or a particular school, class and section
Online Attendance
Generate report of the attendance which can be student daily attendance report or subject wise daily attendance report.
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News Report (School)