No.GH/SII53PRE/112013/4484/K-In exercise of the powers conferred
by the movie to article 309 of the Constitution of India and in
supersession of all the rules made in this beat the governor of Gujarat
hely makes the following rules to provide for regulating recruitment to
the post of Taluka Primary Education Officer Class Il in the Gujarat
education Service under the Directorate of Primary Education Gujarat
State, namely
These rules may be called the Taluka Primary Education Officer
Class II, under the Directorate of Primary Education, Recruitment
Rules, 2019
Appointment to the post of Taluka Primary Education Officer
Class I1, in the Gujarat: Education Service under the Directorate
of Primary Education, Gujarat State, shall be made either -
by promotion of a perion of proved merit and efficiency
amongst the persons who
have worked for not less than seven years in the cadre of
Assistant Education Inspector. Class III, in the subordinate
Services of the Directorate of Primary Education Gujarat
have passed the departmental examination as may be
prescribed by the Government, an
have pasSed the qualifying examination for computer
knowledge in accordance with the provisions of the Gujarat
Civil Services Computer Competency Training and
Examination Rules, 2006
Provided that where the appointing authority is
satisfied that a person having the experience specified in
sub-classe d above is not available for promotion and that
it is necessary in the public interest to fill up the post by
promotion event of a person having experience for a lesser
period; may, for reasons to be recorded in writing
promote such person who possesses experience of a period
at not less than two thirds of the period specified in sub
clause () above, or
by direct selection
The appointments by promotion and by direct selection shall be
made in the ratio of 2:1, respectively
To be eligible for appointment by direct selection to the post
mentioned in rute 2a candidate shall
(A) ot be more than 42 years of age
Provided that the upper apelin it may be relaxed in
labour of a candidate who is already in the service of theGovernment of Gujarat in accordance with the provisions
of the Gujarat Civil Services Classification and
Recruitment (General) Rules, 1967
Prosded ther thi ne onianed in clase
while on the C CS
onc ert Rules, 1967
bear relation of per it
prescribed abe is concemed
bachelor's degree obtained from any of the
vested income or under the
State or any other educational
institutions recognised as suh or declared to be deemed ai
vet under actions of the University Grants
Commission Act 1956, and
a bachelor's degree in Container any of the
Tescher Fucial recognised by the
National Council for Teacher Education(NCTE o
Bachelor's degree in special education obtained from any
of the Teacher Educational Intentions recognised by the
Rehabilitation Council of India (RICh, or
completed two years certificate course or Primary
Teachers Certificate Diploma in Elementary Education
(D.ELE) of State Examination Board of Gujarat
while many of the Teacher Educational Institutions
recognised by the National Council for Teacher
Education(NCTE) and
C) have about five years separate or combined experience of
adminisatioan in the
Government Panchayat local Bodas/Grant in Aid/Non
Grant-in-Aid Primary School Upper Primary School
Secondary Education School Higher Secondary Education
School/D.ELEd. College BEd College District Institute
of Education and Training on the post which can be
considered equivalent to the post uit below the rank of
Head Teacher, Clas II in the subordinate service of the
Directorate of the Primary Education after taking the
qu ifications presented in rule 4(B) above
possess the basic knowledge of computer application as
prescribed in the Gujarat Civil Services Classification and
Recruitment (General) Rules, 1967; and
possess adequate knowledge of Gujarati or Hindi or both
The candidate appointed by the section stall be on probation
for a period of two years
The candidate appointed by direct action shall during his
probation period be required to undergo e-service training and
PAS the post-training extraction in accordance with the
provisions of the Gazetted Officer Pre-Service Training and
Examination Rules, 1970
The candidate appointed by direct selection shall during his
probation period, be required to pass the qualifying examination
for computer knowledge in accordance with the provisions of the
Gujarat Civil Services Computer Competency Training and
Examination Rules, 2006
The candidate appointed by direct selection shall be required to
paks an examination in Hindi Gujarati or both in accordance
with the prescribed by the Government
The candidate appointed by direct election shall be required to
pass the departmental examination as may be prescribed by the
The candidate appointed either by direct selection or by
promotion shall be required to undergo such training and pass
such examination as may be prescribed by the Government
The candidate appointed by direct selection shall be required to
furnish a security and surety bond in such form for such amount
and for such period as may be prescribed by the Government
By order and in the name of the Governor of Gujarat,
TPEO (Taluka Primary Education Inspector ) RR Declared
Download Notification : Click here
by the movie to article 309 of the Constitution of India and in
supersession of all the rules made in this beat the governor of Gujarat
hely makes the following rules to provide for regulating recruitment to
the post of Taluka Primary Education Officer Class Il in the Gujarat
education Service under the Directorate of Primary Education Gujarat
State, namely
These rules may be called the Taluka Primary Education Officer
Class II, under the Directorate of Primary Education, Recruitment
Rules, 2019
Appointment to the post of Taluka Primary Education Officer
Class I1, in the Gujarat: Education Service under the Directorate
of Primary Education, Gujarat State, shall be made either -
by promotion of a perion of proved merit and efficiency
amongst the persons who
have worked for not less than seven years in the cadre of
Assistant Education Inspector. Class III, in the subordinate
Services of the Directorate of Primary Education Gujarat
have passed the departmental examination as may be
prescribed by the Government, an
have pasSed the qualifying examination for computer
knowledge in accordance with the provisions of the Gujarat
Civil Services Computer Competency Training and
Examination Rules, 2006
Provided that where the appointing authority is
satisfied that a person having the experience specified in
sub-classe d above is not available for promotion and that
it is necessary in the public interest to fill up the post by
promotion event of a person having experience for a lesser
period; may, for reasons to be recorded in writing
promote such person who possesses experience of a period
at not less than two thirds of the period specified in sub
clause () above, or
by direct selection
The appointments by promotion and by direct selection shall be
made in the ratio of 2:1, respectively
To be eligible for appointment by direct selection to the post
mentioned in rute 2a candidate shall
(A) ot be more than 42 years of age
Provided that the upper apelin it may be relaxed in
labour of a candidate who is already in the service of theGovernment of Gujarat in accordance with the provisions
of the Gujarat Civil Services Classification and
Recruitment (General) Rules, 1967
Prosded ther thi ne onianed in clase
while on the C CS
onc ert Rules, 1967
bear relation of per it
prescribed abe is concemed
bachelor's degree obtained from any of the
vested income or under the
State or any other educational
institutions recognised as suh or declared to be deemed ai
vet under actions of the University Grants
Commission Act 1956, and
a bachelor's degree in Container any of the
Tescher Fucial recognised by the
National Council for Teacher Education(NCTE o
Bachelor's degree in special education obtained from any
of the Teacher Educational Intentions recognised by the
Rehabilitation Council of India (RICh, or
completed two years certificate course or Primary
Teachers Certificate Diploma in Elementary Education
(D.ELE) of State Examination Board of Gujarat
while many of the Teacher Educational Institutions
recognised by the National Council for Teacher
Education(NCTE) and
C) have about five years separate or combined experience of
adminisatioan in the
Government Panchayat local Bodas/Grant in Aid/Non
Grant-in-Aid Primary School Upper Primary School
Secondary Education School Higher Secondary Education
School/D.ELEd. College BEd College District Institute
of Education and Training on the post which can be
considered equivalent to the post uit below the rank of
Head Teacher, Clas II in the subordinate service of the
Directorate of the Primary Education after taking the
qu ifications presented in rule 4(B) above
possess the basic knowledge of computer application as
prescribed in the Gujarat Civil Services Classification and
Recruitment (General) Rules, 1967; and
possess adequate knowledge of Gujarati or Hindi or both
The candidate appointed by the section stall be on probation
for a period of two years
The candidate appointed by direct action shall during his
probation period be required to undergo e-service training and
PAS the post-training extraction in accordance with the
provisions of the Gazetted Officer Pre-Service Training and
Examination Rules, 1970
The candidate appointed by direct selection shall during his
probation period, be required to pass the qualifying examination
for computer knowledge in accordance with the provisions of the
Gujarat Civil Services Computer Competency Training and
Examination Rules, 2006
The candidate appointed by direct selection shall be required to
paks an examination in Hindi Gujarati or both in accordance
with the prescribed by the Government
The candidate appointed by direct election shall be required to
pass the departmental examination as may be prescribed by the
The candidate appointed either by direct selection or by
promotion shall be required to undergo such training and pass
such examination as may be prescribed by the Government
The candidate appointed by direct selection shall be required to
furnish a security and surety bond in such form for such amount
and for such period as may be prescribed by the Government
By order and in the name of the Governor of Gujarat,
TPEO (Taluka Primary Education Inspector ) RR Declared
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