HTAT Head Teacher badhti (Uchchatar Pagar dhoran ) babat agtyani mahiti
Rules and Orders (Other than those published in Parts I, 1-A, and I made
by the Government of Gujarat under the Gujarat Acts
by the Government of Gujarat under the Gujarat Acts
Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar, 31st January, 2019
Gujarat Primary Education Act, 1947
No.GHOST/PRE/112012/SF-5K :- In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section () of
section 23 of the Gujarat Primary Education Act, 1947 (Bom. LXI of 1947) and in supersession of
all the rules made in this behalf, the Government of Gujarat hereby makes the following rules to
provide for regulating recruitment to the post of Assistant Education Inspector Class-111, in the
subordinate service of the Directorate of Primary Education, Gujarat State or District Primary
Education Committee or Municipal Primary Education Committee, namely
These rules may be called the Assistant Education Inspector, Class Iii. Recruitment
Rules, 2019
Gujarat Primary Education Act, 1947
No.GHOST/PRE/112012/SF-5K :- In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section () of
section 23 of the Gujarat Primary Education Act, 1947 (Bom. LXI of 1947) and in supersession of
all the rules made in this behalf, the Government of Gujarat hereby makes the following rules to
provide for regulating recruitment to the post of Assistant Education Inspector Class-111, in the
subordinate service of the Directorate of Primary Education, Gujarat State or District Primary
Education Committee or Municipal Primary Education Committee, namely
These rules may be called the Assistant Education Inspector, Class Iii. Recruitment
Rules, 2019
Appointment to the post of Assistant Education Inspector. Class 1I, in the subordinate
service of the Directorate of Primary Education, Gujarat State or District Primary Education
Committee or Municipal Primary Education Committee, shall be made either
(A) by promotion of a person of proved merit and efficiency from amongst the persons
have worked for not less than five years in the cadre of Head Teacher (THAT)
Class III in. the subordinate service of the Directorate of Primary Education, Gujarat
State or District Primary Education Committee or Municipal Primary Education
(i) have passed the Assistant Education Inspector Aptitude Test (EIAT) as may be
prescribed by the Government; and
service of the Directorate of Primary Education, Gujarat State or District Primary Education
Committee or Municipal Primary Education Committee, shall be made either
(A) by promotion of a person of proved merit and efficiency from amongst the persons
have worked for not less than five years in the cadre of Head Teacher (THAT)
Class III in. the subordinate service of the Directorate of Primary Education, Gujarat
State or District Primary Education Committee or Municipal Primary Education
(i) have passed the Assistant Education Inspector Aptitude Test (EIAT) as may be
prescribed by the Government; and
(i) have passed the qualifying examination for computer knowledge in accordance with
the provisions of the Gujarat Civil Services Computer Competency Training and
Examination Rules, 2006
the provisions of the Gujarat Civil Services Computer Competency Training and
Examination Rules, 2006
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