TAT Secondary Exam Result
State Examination Board (SEB) of Gujarat has announced the Gujarat TAT Result 2019. The Result has been declared through online mode only.
State Examination Board, Gujarat, has announced Gujarat TAT Result 2019 today.
Candidates can check TAT Secondary Exam Result in online mode. Along with result, a result notification has conjointly been revealed with details of communication statistics.
Notification regarding result has been hosted at gujarat-education.gov.in. Whereas the login page for result's hosted at sebgujarat.com.
In order to check result, candidates can go to gujarat-education.gov.in/seb/. Then one has to scroll down a little to reach link for result. Upon clicking it, TAT Secondary Exam Result login page is reached.
At login page that's tatresult.sebgujarat.com/result_tats.aspx, candidates ought to enter confirmation range and date of birth.
Then search button has to be clicked. This leads to display of result. Candidates may note that if they are unable to view result, then they can reverse DOB format as mm/dd/yyyy and then try.
Gujarat TAT was held on January 27, 2019. It was held in Gujarati medium for subjects.
Subjects for which Gujarat Secondary TAT was organized are computer, drawing, English, Persian, gruh jivan vidya, gujarati, hindi, krushi vidya, Marathi, music, pashu palan, physical education, Sanskrit, science and tech mathematics, social science, tamil, urdu.
Result has been displayed on the official website that is http://gujarat-education.gov. After successfully conducting the Gujarat TAT 2019 exam, SEB has released the Gujarat TAT Result 2018.
Before the announcement of final result, Answer Key had been declared on the official website. Candidates had already got an estimation of their probable score for Gujarat TAT Result 2019 through the Answer Key.
The Result for Gujarat TAT 2019 contains only those names of candidates who have qualified the exam.
With the help of this article, applicants will be able to gain all the necessary information about the Result of Gujarat TAT 2019.
Gujarat TAT Merit Marks And Merit list 20
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Gujarat TAT Result 2019
Result for Gujarat TAT 2019 will be announced on the official website. Before that, candidates can check the below schedule for Gujarat TAT Result 2018.
How to check the Result
Here are the steps that is to be follow in order to download the Gujarat TAT Result 2018.
Firstly, visit the official website that is http://gujarat-education.gov.in/seb/
Search for the “Result” panel given on the website.
Result window will get opened on your screen.
Kindly enter your Roll number and Date of Birth.
Wait for sometime, do not refresh the page immediately.
Now, you can successfully check your Result.
By following the above mentioned steps, Candidates may download the Result of Gujarat TAT 2019 and they will get official eligibility certificate as well.
Result Report
Click here to check your Result
Click here for Result Notification
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TAT 1 & 2